Cost: $600 per student
Range: The Ranch, Dilley, TX
- Grip: Mechanics and geometry
- Stance: Freestyle, Single-Hand, Props
- Trigger Function: 3 Stages and when and how to use
- Draws: All types from holster
- Optics/Irons: Visual techniques associated with the use of a dot and irons
- Table Starts: Loading and drawing
- Mag Changes: Static and moving
Target Transitions
- Increasing speed and efficiency
- Mechanical techniques
- Visual actions: the 4 ocular skills and how to train them
Visual Processing
- Target Acquisition: Increasing efficiency in both peripheral and blind acquisitions
- Velocitization: Using speed acclimatization to make gains in a shorter amount of time
- Calling Shots: In-depth process analysis and awareness exercises
- Vision Barriers: Shooting prop manipulation and negotiation
- Detailed break-down of exit techniques
- In-depth analysis of position entries
- Shooting on the move
- The Circle of Performance
- Cognitive Priming
- Visualization and Mental Imagery
- Neuroplasticity
- Breaking Through Plateaus
Match Preparation: Physical, Mental, Nutrition, & Match Craft: Performance, Strategy, Consistency
Daily Question & Answer session